題目: 製茶過程中多元酚類之變化
The Changes of Tea Polyphenols in Tea Processing
學生:林書妍 D95628004
指導老師:陳右人 副教授
摘 要
茶之嫩梢經過殺菁、揉捻、乾燥等步驟,依不同發酵程度製成不發酵茶、部分發酵茶及全發酵茶三大類。茶菁萎凋及發酵的過程,多元酚類被氧化,其氧化產物為決定成茶品質的重要因子。茶的多元酚類主要為flavan-3-ol之黃烷醇,稱為兒茶素類,Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)是其中含量最高並具生理機能的成分。兒茶素生合成目前已知可經由以phenylalanine為 中間產物的芳香族化合物代謝路徑,而發酵過程多元酚類氧化形成茶黃質(theaflavins)及茶紅質(thearubigins),為重發酵茶的風味來源。茶菁中總多元酚之含量,因品種、植株生長氣候、栽培管理方式、採摘部位、採摘時期不同而有不同。製茶過程監測多元酚類氧化變化,可預測製作高品質茶之潛力。
Tea is processed from the succulent shoot of Camellia sinensis, and it is divided into 3 groups, according to the degree of fermentation, which are non-fermented, partial-fermented, and complete-fermented. The oxidative products of polyphenols during withering and fermentation decide the tea quality. The main flavanols in tea are flavan-3-ols, so-called catechins. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most and has the most beneficial effects. Biosynthesis of catechins was investigated by the aroma compound synthesis pathway through phenylalanine. Polyphenols get oxidized to form theaflavins and thearubigins during fermentation, and they are responsible for the taste and astringent character of heavy-fermented and black tea. Total polyphenols in tea leaves are changeable depending on cultivars, planting environment, plucked position, and plucked seasons. Detecting the oxidation of polyphenols in tea processing can estimate the potential of high quality tea.
一、 茶葉的製程及原理
茶之嫩 梢經過殺菁、揉捻、乾燥等步驟,依不同發酵程度製成不發酵茶、部分發酵茶及全發酵茶三大類(賴, 2001)。茶菁經由萎凋使細胞失水的過程,啟動氧化酵素活性,造成內生多元酚類的氧化,此為茶葉之發酵作用(甘, 1984; 蔡, 2002)。茶菁萎凋及發酵的過程中顏色、香氣及滋味都會逐漸改變,為決定部分發酵茶成茶品質好壞之關鍵步驟。
二、 多元酚類生合成及氧化過程
茶中的多元酚類主要為黃烷醇(flavanols),約佔多元酚類的70~80%,為flavan-3-ol結構,以兒茶素類為主要存在形式,並分為游離型之catechin (C)、epicatechin (EC)、gallocatechin (GC)、epigallocatechin (EGC),及酯型之catechin gallate (CG)、epicatechin gallate (ECG)與epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG),其中以EGCG含量最多,亦為主要具生理機能的成分(甘, 1984; Mamatiet al., 2006)。茶之多元酚類合成路徑不只一種,已知其一為以phenylalanine為中間產物的芳香族化合物代謝路徑,而dihydriflavonol則經由兩步驟催化反應(two-step reaction)形成flavan-3-ol (Punyasirl et al., 2004)。茶菁發酵過程中,多元酚氧化酶活性被啟動而使多元酚類氧化,兒茶素類形成橙紅色的茶黃質(theaflavins)及暗褐色的茶紅質(thearubigins),為重發酵之部分發酵茶與全發酵茶茶湯色澤、口感及風味的主要來源(Muthumani and Kuman, 2007)。
三、 製茶過程中影響多元酚類之因子
製茶過程多元酚類受多元酚氧化酶催化進行氧化作用,稱為茶葉的發酵作用。茶菁中總多元酚之含量,根據品種、植株生長氣候、栽培管理方式、採摘部位、採摘時期而有 不同。一般而言,茶芽之總多元酚含量高於成熟葉,夏季茶菁高於春季茶菁,遮陰會降低總兒茶素含量(Lin et al., 1998; Peterson et al., 2005)。多元酚氧化酶在茶樹中的分佈不均,以茶芽部分含量較成熟葉高,且於適製紅茶品種中酵素活性高於適製部分發酵茶之品種;夏季之茶菁中酵素活性亦較春季茶菁高(陳, 1987)。萎凋與發酵過程的攪拌操作,次數與輕重會影響酵素活性及作用進行。監測製茶過程中之兒茶素類成分含量、組成及酵素氧化產物,可預測製作高品質茶的潛力(Muthumani and Kuman, 2007)。
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